Thursday, June 6, 2019

9 Stress Relief Ideas For People Who Don't Have Time for Stress Relief. #mentalhealth #selfcare

Over the last year, I've learned a lot about why it's important to make self-care a priority. The connection between mental and physical health is never more apparent than when you're pushed beyond your limits! 

The problem is, not everyone has time for self-care when they need it most. If you work at home or in an office where you're allowed to take breaks whenever the urge hits, it's easier to fit in those much-needed timeouts. However, what happens when you work in customer service or retail where breaks are strictly scheduled, stress is high, and you can't take a slow, wandering walk through the office (under the guise of using the restroom) to decompress anytime you need it?

For those of you with demanding jobs, rigid schedules, and lots of stress, here are a few tips for incorporating tiny bits of self-care and stress reduction into your hectic routine.

1. Give yourself a foot massageNot only does it feel good after standing for hours, but your foot is home to one of several stress-reducing pressure points. Bring a bottle of your favorite lotion to work, pop off your shoes, and massage those tired feet! (It's probably best not to do this one in the breakroom while others are eating their lunch. Just saying...)

2. Cry - Did you know tears are a form of stress-relief? Whether from heartbreak, anger, or frustration, tears are how your body sheds excess amounts of the stress hormone cortisol. In small doses, cortisol is beneficial, but a chronic flow through your system can lead to things like high blood pressure, diabetes, or a weakened immune system. So if you feel like crying on the way home from work, don't hold back! Let those tears flow.

3. Take a break from social media - It can be tempting to use your break to stare at your phone, catching up on the morning's Twitter or Instagram drama. For some people, that's amusing. For some, it's a neverending source of anger and frustration. If you're one of the latter, put down the phone! Don't add to your stress by diving into someone else's drama. Instead, search for puppy and kitten pictures on Pinterest or, better yet, stay off social media entirely. 

4. Eat something healthy - When you're stressed, it's tempting to reach for comfort foods (chips, sweets, fatty foods). They might provide a short-lived bump in pleasure, but your body runs better on healthy food, and it's well documented that junk food (especially processed sugar) leads to worse depression and anxiety in the long run. Go for an apple and some almond butter or natural peanut butter instead.

5. Breathe out the stress - you don't have to be a meditation expert to use deep breathing to manage your stress. Close your eyes, lightly touch the thumb and index finger of each hand together, and take three slow, deep breaths from your diaphragm. This exercise is so fast and effective you can do it anywhere. Standing on the commuter train, between calls, between customers while you're checking them out at the cash register. 

The next time you feel stressed or sense anxiety starting to build toward a full-blown attack, touch your forefingers and thumbs together, hit the mute button on your headset, and start breathing. It's incredible how quickly it derails those sensations. 

6. Stretch - Stretching relieves tired muscles and improves blood flow. Take a few minutes of your break to do some simple stretching

7. Laugh - Laughter is a great stress reliever. Have a favorite comic queued up on Netflix or YouTube, put in your earbuds, and spend some time laughing.

8. Listen to a song that calms or inspires you - Whether you need rock with some attitude or soothing classical, spend a few minutes with your favorite playlist.

9. Games - Sometimes, what you need is to unplug from reality for a few minutes. Some of my favorite ways to 'check out' are with Wordscapes or Pipe Art. Whatever you choose, make it a game that doesn't add to your stress. If trying to beat the clock makes you tense, find a game that doesn't have a time limit.

The great thing about self-care is that it's as unique as you are. Not everything works for everybody, which means you're free to invent your own routine. One that fits your personality and schedule. Tell me in the comments about some of your favorite self-care or stress reduction methods.