Whether published or still aspiring, we writers hear a lot about craft, plotting, and story arch. We talk about writing spaces and cover art, distractions and procrastination, coffee and tea. One thing we don't often discuss is music.
So let's talk about music!
Inspiration Begets Inspiration
For me, music is an important piece of writing. (Who am I kidding, it's an important piece of my life!) It's part of the continuous flow of inspiration that links all artists together. Whether we realize it or not, none of us creates in a vacuum. We're constantly feeding each other's muses.
For example, someone writes a story. It inspires a director to recreate the tale on screen. The film inspires a composer to add a musical translation (soundtrack), telling the story in their own way. That soundtrack inspires me while I'm writing a book. My book may one day inspire graphic art or more music, which inspires someone else. Around and around it goes!
Why Music
I use music as a (somewhat) subliminal queue. When I'm trying to write a story full of tension, it helps to listen to something packed with tension. That stress works its way into my writing through word choice and description. As you will find, it's difficult to write a slow, plodding scene when you have instrumental drama pulsing through your brain, challenging you to match the tempo.
It also helps me maintain the personality of characters when I'm working on a series. Hour after hour, listening to the same playlist links that story and those songs together (It helps to have a long playlist so you don't get bored.). When I start the next book, it reminds me of scenes and character personalities, helping me slip back into the story. When I'm ready to move on to a new series, I change playlists and begin again.
It can even be useful for writer's block. If you're used to writing while listening to a certain playlist, turn on the music and see if it kicks your muse back in gear.
Which Music
The music you choose is up to you. There's no right or wrong. Some people are fine working to a playlist of their favorite recording artists. Some prefer instrumentals. Some go for classical. Since lyrics tend to direct my thoughts too much, I prefer instrumental soundtracks from movies and video games (yes, video games have soundtracks!). Don't be afraid to play around with different things and see what works best for you.
If your story is in a certain setting (southern romance) or touches on a specific culture (visiting a foreign country), try using music that reminds you of those places.
My Blue Series Playlist
Here are a few favs on my current writing "soundtrack". I have go-to composers I can count on to create the perfect songs (Steve Jablonsky, Michael Salvatori, Ramin Djawadi), but thanks to Amazon Music and iTunes I'm always finding someone new!
The Dark Knight Rises Soundtrack
Transformers: Age of Extinction EP
Destiny Soundtrack
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